The Alliance for Community Media is a nonprofit, national membership organization founded in 1976 which is committed to assuring everyone's access to electronic media. The Alliance represents over 950 public, educational, and government (PEG) access organizations across the United States, and the interests of local individuals and community, charitable, and religious organizations who utilize PEG access centers.

The Alliance:

Provides technical assistance in the development and operation of PEG access channels and community TV organizations.

Promotes political, regulatory and industry support for PEG access.

Facilitates education and networking among people involved in community media primarily through national and regional conferences, special interest group organization and the development of community media directories.

Supports community television advocates with materials and information on community programming and national policy issues. The Alliances publishes a bi-monthly journal Community Media Review.

Monitors developments in telecommunications applications and advocates for the public's access to emerging media systems.

The Alliance's public policy program is dedicated to preserving and promoting legislation which will ensure that the emerging Information Infrastructure provides space which will allow effective communication through community uses of media. Information about the national Alliance for Community Media or regional chapters can be obtained by contacting the Alliance at

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